Swiss Chard

Salty, savoury and highly satisfying, Swiss Chard features long, thick leaves, attached to similarly long red stalks. Both parts are easily edible, with its leaves bearing a mild, lettuce-like flavour, with a little added crunch, and its stalks notably providing a more robust, salty flavour. It’s a combination that could make you want to snack on it all day. Beyond munching on it plain though, its goes wonderfully in soups, sautéed for a side, or mixed into a noodle recipe.

Now that your mouth is watering, you may think you’re in for a big downer in regards to nutrition. But, outside of its sodium content (which can be greatly reduced by not consuming the stalks), Swiss Chard packs in the vitamins. Just two average-sized leaves are enough to provide you with nearly half of your daily required vitamin C, a high level toward your daily dose of vitamin A and iron, and heaping helping of vitamin K! Plus it’s low in fat and offers a decent amount of fibre too!

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